Our beer is LOCAL BEER. What’s that mean??


The beer we make is usually called craft beer. But we call ours “LOCAL BEER”. What is the local meaning? ? Today, we will talk about the local beer that we think of. This is our feeling that we absolutely want you to know. I would be happy if you share it! This is the first chapter. START!

私たちがつくるビールは地ビールと呼ばれるもの。今はクラフトビールかな。でも私たちは自分たちがつくるビールをローカルビールと呼んでる。ローカルローカルっていっつも言うやん。ローカルって何?って感じ? 今日は私たちが考えるローカルビールについてお届けします。これは絶対に知ってもらいたい私たちの気持ちです。シェアしてくれたら嬉しい! 長くなるからこれから何度かに分けて書くね。では第一章の始まり始まり。


We want to tell you a lot. We’ll tell you step by step. First of all, we’re not going to deny anything. And we don’t think our way is the most correct. And our way is not able to get big money. Lol. So it may not be of interest to those who want to move big money or those who want a lot of money. If you are like that, we think you should click on the close.



What is THA real local beer we think of? Put simply,

  • It is made using local raw materials.
  • It is rooted in the community. It activates the area.

Working with local people, even on a small scale. A beer made with the blessings of the local area. We think it’s local beer.



  • その地域の原材料を使用してつくられたビール
  • 地域に根付いてつくられ、地域を活性化するビールであるということ。



This is a point we especially want U to understand. We have been talking about local and local,,, many times, but it’s by no means looking at things from a narrow perspective only in the town of Kobe. Kobe is a small town, and we do small business here, but this is a way of life chosen from a wide perspective and seeing various things.

Our head brewer Masachika Nakato lived in Australia when he was young and he still loves there. It was when we went there last year, there were many local shops in the nice town we stayed in. Most of the big companies had not entered. It’s really cool!! We thought. And I (writing this) lived in NY when I was young. Although I lived in the urban Manhattan, there were many local shops around. I used to have lunch with friends at a cafe near my school, drinking beer and wine, smoking,,,, and so on. By the way, I’ve already quit smoking, but the store is still there in Manhattan. COOL!!





It’s a rough explanation, but thanks to that experience. We think that “THA town where many people want to live is a well-developed and locally interesting town”. It’s best to enjoy spending time in our town. For example, a businessman working at a famous big company enjoys local beer in the evening. We think it is important that each person has a way of life and a role. And it’s also important to have the freedom to choose it. And when choosing, what you think is the best in your values.

Don’t you think that big companies are strong among all industries in Japan? Small companies are much weaker than that. Nobody can be a major unless the majors are behind… Of course We don’t care at all. We don’t think that wanna be like that.

This is not denying the big companies and the industries that surround them. Actually, Nakato is drinking major beer everywhere he goes. His friends were very surprised that he drinks a lot. He loves beer, simply.

ざっくり大まかにいうとそういう経験がきっかけとなっていて、「発展していて人が住みたいって思う町ってローカルが面白い町やな」って思ってる。町に住む人がその町のいろんな面を楽しんでるのがいいなぁ。経済ガンガン回してます! みたいな大企業で働くビジネスマンも夕方になればローカルのビールを楽しんでたり。みんなそれぞれ生き方や役割があって、そしてそれを選ぶ自由があるということを大事にしたい。選ぶのは自分の価値観で一番良いと思うものを。

なんか日本って大手がやっぱり強くないですか? どの業界も。小さなところって弱いですよね。大手がバックについてないとメジャーになれない空気感。。別にメジャーになりたいとか思ってないから全然いいねんけど。



Our ideal is to recognize diversity.

Beer that you can drink at a pub for about ¥200 is different from the beer that we make. There is no good or bad. We just want everyone to understand the difference, we hope that the values that everyone can understand and enjoy will spread even more in Japan.So that’s why we continue to make local beers. We continue to make local beers that we pride ourselves on.

It takes time and money, but it’s not profitable! Lol But it’s O.K. It’s really fun! I think that’s why it’s fun, because the way of life matches the view of life that I want.



手間暇かかってコストもかかって儲からないけどね!笑 でもすごく楽しいよ! 楽しい理由は生き方が人生観にマッチしているからだと思ってる。


And we started the project in 2018 with local farmers who share that feeling.

The name is “KOBE LOCAL BEER PROJECT”. We will tell you more about it on another time, but the point is “Let’s enjoy living together with real local beer made from 100% Kobe ingredients!”

Thanks to those who are interested. We’ll put a link at the end of this article so please jump to the SNS page.


その名も「KOBE LOCAL BEER PROJECT」。詳しくはまた別の機会にお届けしますが、ざっくりいうと「神戸産の原材料を100%使用してつくったリアルローカルビールをつくってみんなで楽しく生きていこう!」という取り組み。
