Craft beer… Rather, we call THA beer we make local beer.

Funk Aleファンクエール
- Beer Style: English Pale Ale
- ABV.4.5%
イングリッシュペールエール。苦味は控えめです。モルトのほのかな甘みと香ばしい風味、そこにプラス酵母が持つベリー系のような香りが味わえます。ビールが苦手な方や女性のお客様に大変人気があります。2015年に醸造スタートした時、一番最初に完成したビールでIN THA DOOR BREWINGのフラッグシップ的なビールです。
The bitterness is modest.
You can enjoy the sweetness and aroma of malt and the berry-like of yeast.
It is very popular with people who don't like beer and female customers. When brewing started in 2015, it was the first completed beer and is IN THA DOOR BREWING's flagship beer.

- Beer Style: Belgian White
- ABV.4.5%
It is a beer that uses wheat and is generally called white beer. I use orange peel and coriander seeds for fragrance. Wheat is grown by farmer in Kita Ward, Kobe City. Orange Peel is made from Awaji Island's orange peel. A very fruity beer.

THA☆ALEザ エール
- Beer Style: Pale Ale
- ABV.4.5%
A beer with a good balance of malt flavor and hop bitterness. We recommend this for those who are wondering which one to drink first. The compatibility with any food is also excellent.

- Beer Style: Stout
- ABV.4%
Black beer. It's a light stout with a low alcohol content, but we use a total of 5 different malts. Even though it is simple, it has a complex taste. This beer that even those who don't like stout can drink. It goes well with sweets also.

Session IPAセッションアイピーエー
- Beer Style: Session India Pale Ale
- ABV.4%
セッションインディアペールエール。セッションとはアルコール度数が5%未満のライトなビールのこと。IPAは長い歴史の中で品質を保つためにホップをたくさん使用したビールが作られたことで生まれました。苦味が非常に強いことが特徴のビールですがIN THA DOOR BREWINGのIPAは苦いだけではなく柑橘系のような爽やかな香りが特徴で、何杯でもおかわりできるビールです。
A session means a light beer with an alcohol content of less than 5%. IPA was born from the long history of making beer that used a lot of hops to maintain quality. It is a beer that is characterized by a very strong bitterness, but IN THA DOOR BREWING's IPA is not only bitter, but also has a refreshing citrus-like aroma, making it a beer that can be refilled as many times as you like.